Itchy, scratchy, Satchy

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Although our dog, Satchel (who you may have seen shoplifting around the store) is practically perfect, he does have one big, smelly problem. He has very sensitive skin. In the short time I have been involved with the shop I have already met several other dogs with the exact same malady, so I know my poor baby is not alone in his suffering. Like other owners, Merritt and I have tried nearly everything to relieve him, but so far no miracle cure has surfaced. When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING, including: a dog scratch test for allergies; a drastic elimination diet; steroid injections; many, many different shampoos, sprays, and creams; and a very costly daily preventative med, which is where we are now. Although nothing has completely solved the problem, medicated baths have helped, as have the higher quality food we stock at the store (GO! has been a good one for him), and the nice organic shampoos and conditioners made by Amazonia. In fact, Kelsy and I had a great meeting with the Amazonia representative a few months ago and the care they take in procuring the best ingredients for their products was truly impressive. If your dog is a scratcher, I would definitely suggest you give these things a try. Or, have a chat with Natalia the next time you stop by and let her know what is going on. She has a wealth of knowledge on this subject and loves to talk about it. If I am there, on the other hand, I will gladly commiserate, but that’s about the extent of my expertise as of now. I am learning, though!

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On a lighter note, Satchel has been one very happy doodle since we took ownership of the Pet Cabaret (as has his best friend, Henry).  They have the very challenging job of testing out new dog toys, sampling many types of freeze dried organs (so far Satch loves trachea the best), and meeting new friends and admirers almost daily.  In fact, they have been so busy with their new  roles as shop dogs that they were too tired to do much over Christmas break…mostly just laying around the house in Vermont or warming themselves by the fire.  They did summon the energy to jump into a (mostly) frozen pond, which left Satchel not only very itchy, but also wet and muddy.  Henry, as usual, suffered little visible consequence!  Now that he is back in the city, Satchel is on high alert for treats, which seem to come his way where ever he goes in the neighborhood, from the coffee shop to the dry cleaner.  I think it is fair to say that COVID has not slowed him down a bit—he is always very pleased to completely ignore social distance and lean into any warm and willing  human body.  If you have not had a chance to meet Satchel yet, you are likely to find him in the self-serve dog wash taking yet another bath—but still most eager to make your acquaintance! 


To Boot or not to Boot…?


A word about Kelsy