A word about Kelsy

Although the Pet Cabaret is definitely a family run business, in many ways it is really a Kelsy-run business. Who is Kelsy? Well, if you have been by the shop lately you may have noticed a lovely and rather tall young woman trying to do several things at the same time. This is Kelsy, the manager of the store (and our daughter-in-law), and she has quickly made herself as indispensable to the employees and customers of the shop as she has to our family. Smart, compassionate, and with a great, dry sense of humor, Kelsy is beloved by all, pet and human alike. I guess the best way of encapsulating this is to simply observe our 106 lb. St. Bernard mix, Satchel, climbing into Kelsy’s lap as if he were her personal lap dog. At 5’11, Kelsy can still be toppled by the force of Satchel’s love for her. And as sweet and loving as she is, she is absolutely the alpha in her relationship with her own dog, Henry. Henry knows better than to mess with his Mom. Really, how can you help but love a woman who allows a pygmy goat to eat her hair??

kelsy and satchel.png

Itchy, scratchy, Satchy


The more things change, the more they stay the same.