To Boot or not to Boot…?

Now that the snow seems to be perpetually falling, we are seeing more and more customers coming in with questions and concerns about keeping their dogs paws clean, dry and chemical-free. One obvious answer is to keep the paws covered, usually with some form of a dog boot. There are excellent reasons to do this: not only do wet and muddy paws make a mess, they are also (much more importantly) uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous for your dog’s health. The chemicals and salt that are used to melt the snow and ice are often toxic, and your pup’s natural instinct to lick his feet dry will cause him to ingest these chemicals. They can also dry out the pads, leaving them cracked and painful. If your dog has a dense or curly coat (like Satchel!) small balls of snow can get stuck in between the pads, and can remain there for quite some time, giving your dog the feeling that he is walking around in a wet sock. Anyone who has ever walked around in wet socks knows how unpleasant that is! Here at the store we carry MUTT-LUKS, arguably the best boot around.

Photo via

Photo via

Not only are they made from high quality materials that stand up well to even the soggiest terrain, they are secured with Velcro that truly does fit snugly around the leg.  I cannot tell you how many times we have lost boots that seemed to be on tightly but flew off as soon as the dog started to run.  If you are interested in trying boots, I highly recommend that you start with these.

Having said all of this, I have to confess that Satchel is usually bare-pawed when he goes outside because he is a dog that REALLY does not like to wear boots! Although it is definitely comical to see him try to prance around with the boots on, his unhappiness (I might even suggest unwillingness) is palpable. But, of course, he does need his paws to be protected. So lately we have been using some of the balms we sell at The Pet Cabaret. For icy and wet weather, the best one is Protect- a- Paw from Sustenance Herbs, a great company that prides itself on clean, organic, and very pet-friendly ingredients.

Protect-a-Paw by Sustenance Herbs

Protect-a-Paw by Sustenance Herbs

This balm, applied before the dog steps outdoors, repels water and creates a protective barrier between the paws and the ground. So far it has been a great winter solution for Satch. Another wonderful balm is Amazonia Brazillian Carnuba Wax, which we also sell at The Pet Cabaret. Like all of the Amazonia products, this balm is ethically made from ingredients derived from the Brazillian rain forest, and smells heavenly (they also make beautiful shampoos, conditioners, and detangling sprays). The Amazonia balm is more of a year-round product that soothes and conditions the paws, making the pads more supple and less susceptible to painful cracking. Your dog will be eternally grateful for a foot rub with this stuff!

Amazonia Pet Care’s wax for paws and noses

Amazonia Pet Care’s wax for paws and noses

Regardless of what you decide is the best answer for your pup, please do remember that winter weather requires paw protection.  And—as always—we are here to help you and your pet find exactly what you need.  So come down and see us at The Pet Cabaret.  We will never “boot” you out!! (sorry, couldn’t help the awful pun ☺)



Who runs the shop???


Itchy, scratchy, Satchy